The Michigan Radiological Society appreciates your interest in submitting a funding request.  Before you submit your application, please determine whether your request fits the Foundation’s mission and review the list of organizations the Foundation has previously funded, listed below. Please contact us if you are unsure whether your program is a good fit.

What should a funding request contain?  Your request should include the following materials:

  1. A completed Funding Request Form
    Download in Microsoft Word format or
    Download in PDF format
  2. A proposal breaking out the following details:
    Your organization’s history, mission, and contact information.
    A description of the program you wish to fund – please include how many people/students you serve annually and on an ongoing basis.
    The amount of funding requested and how you will use our funds for your program.
  3. Your total program/project budget
  4. Your total annual organizational budget – break down all salary/payroll amounts for the entire organization: include the number of employees for each category/title in your breakdown.
  5. A copy of your proof of 501(c)(3) status (if applicable)

All requests must align with the Foundation’s Mission:

“The Michigan Radiological Society Foundation is dedicated to carrying out the educational and charitable interests of the Michigan Radiological Society.”

When will funding be made?
The Michigan Radiological Society Foundation provides funding at various times throughout the year.  The Foundation will notify your organization via email within the week of receipt of your proposal and then again after the Board of Directors makes its funding decisions.

What is the average funding amount given by the Foundation?
The Michigan Radiological Society Foundation reviews funding requests with a wide array of funding needs.  Most requests range from $100 to $2,500.00.  Organizations are reminded to base their requested amount on the program’s unique needs for funding.

When and where should a funding request be submitted?
Please mail a hard copy of completed Application and supporting documentation to:

Michigan Radiological Society Foundation
P.O. Box 5448
Swartz Creek, MI  48473

Are there any restrictions?
In general, the Michigan Radiological Society Foundation does not fund:

  • Donations to individuals
  • Donations to candidates for political office
  • Donations for building or construction projects
  • Donations for debt reduction or capital campaigns
  • Donations for graduate or post-graduate research

We fund organizations in the United States only.

If awarded, is there any follow-up required?
The Michigan Radiological Society Foundation requires organizations that have received funding to submit a follow-up report to the Foundation no later than one year after receipt of funding.  Reports should include overall project outcomes and results and any supplemental materials, e.g., event photographs, printed materials, newsletters, etc.

Please submit your follow-up report to:

Michigan Radiological Society Foundation
P.O. Box 5448
Swartz Creek, MI  48473

“The Michigan Radiological Society Foundation was established in 2021 for the purpose of supporting the educational and charitable interests of the Michigan Radiological Society. “

Contact for questions regarding application: or by calling (810) 373-2719.

Below is a list of previously funded programs:

MRS Student Section Scholarship
MRS Student Section Symposium
MRS Resident Review Course
Wolverine Street Medicine