ACR Chapter Recognition Program
For each award year chapters are given the opportunity to make submissions for any activity or initiatives they engage in between January and December of the given year. These submissions can be made in any of 4 categories: Government Relations, Meetings & Education, Membership, and Quality & Safety. Additionally, the Overall Excellence Award honors chapters who verified excellence in all award categories. Submissions for an award year need to be turned in no later than January 15 of the following year. At the end of the award year members of the ACR Committee on Chapters, along with staff, review all eligible submissions to determine winners for that year. Winners are notified in advance of the ACR Annual Meeting and Chapter Leadership Conference (AMCLC). An Award ceremony is held at the AMCLC to formally recognize the winning chapters. They are a variety of ways chapters can vie for awards in each of the categories. Within each award category there are specific forms and types of information chapters may submit to the ACR in order to participate in the program.
Chapter Recognition Awards Points Chart
Chapter Recognition Award Categories:
- Overall Excellence
- Government Relations
- Meetings & Education
- Membership
- Quality & Safety
- Chapter Recognition Award Winners
Chapter Recognition Reports: