2023-24 Committee Appointments

Awards Committee
This committee shall honor Michigan radiologists who have made outstanding contributions to the field of radiology. The committee shall consist of the president and at least 2 designees. It will recommend award recipients to the Board of Trustees.
Rocky Saenz, DO – Chair
Danny Ma, MD
Kathleen Barry, MD, FACR
N. Reed Dunnick, MD, FACR
Gary Gustafson, MD, FACR
Michael Kasotakis, MD
Katharine Scharer, MD, FACR
Gaurang Shah, MD, FACR
Alkis Zingas, MD, FACR
Bylaws Committee
This committee shall be responsible for periodic review of the bylaws and provide recommended revisions when necessary. “Amendments of these bylaws may be made at any regular meeting of the Chapter by the favorable concurrence of the members present and voting, provided the proposed amendments shall have been presented in writing to the Board of Trustees at least 45 days prior to the meeting at which the proposed amendments are to be voted upon. The Board of Trustees shall notify the members in writing of proposed amendments no fewer than twenty days prior to such meeting.” 
Harvey Yee, MD – Chair
Mark Weiss, MD, FACR – Co-Chair
Kathleen Barry, MD, FACR
Paul Chuba, MD, PhD, FACR
N. Reed Dunnick, MD FACR
Duane Mezwa, MD, FACR
Biren Shah, MD, FACR
Rojanandham Samudrala, MD, FACR
Katharine Scharer, MD, FACR
Communications Committee
This committee will review and assess the MRS website in an ongoing fashion. Perceived omissions or shortcomings will be brought to the MRS Board of Trustees’ attention for discussion. Substantive changes to the website will only be made after Executive Committee approval. The Website Committee will be responsible for assuring that approved changes are instituted. Promotion of the website and communication with members regarding the website’s contents and benefits are also important committee functions. The President of the MRS will select members.
 Danny Ma, MD – Chair
Andrew Moriarity, MD – Co-Chair
Rajiv Bapuraj, MD
Karen Grajewski, MD – Newletter Editor
Michael Hicks, MD, YPS Representative
Marco Lin, MD – RFS Representative
Biren Shah, MD, FACR
Evita Singh, MD
Farnoosh Sokhandon, MD
Todd Williams, MD, FACR
Gauravi Subhawal. MD
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee
The goal of this committee shall be to embrace and advance diversity and inclusion through equity, access and innovation for the benefit of our patients, our profession, and the American College of Radiology. The Vison is to achieve a radiology profession that celebrates diversity and actively promotes inclusion at all levels of training, practice and leadership.
Evita Singh, MD, Co-chair
Prachi Agarwal, MD
Riffat Ahmed, MD
Leah Davis, DO
Karen Grajewski, MD
Ellen Hoeffner, MD
Deborah Jeffries, MD
Annette Joe, MD
Rocky Saenz, DO
Gauravi Subharwal, MD
Stephanie Szczesniak, MD – RFS Representative
Economics Committee
This committee shall be charged with active representation of Radiology and Radiation Oncology to organizations and agencies responsible for remuneration (third party payers, etc.), and also those creating policy for reimbursement guidelines and payments. It shall operate in accordance with the principles and policies of the American College of Radiology. Committee is to be appointed by the MRS President. Membership shall include the MRS Treasurer, immediate Past-President, the Vice-President or President Elect, and two additional members from the Board of Trustees. Up to four other interested members not currently serving on the board are also needed. At least one radiation oncologist should be included. Meetings should be at least quarterly and written reports to the board are requested.
Paul Chuba, MD, PhD – Chair
Jennifer Coleman (RBMA)
Leah Davis, MD – Treasurer
Jacob Gacke, MD – RFS Representative
Randy Hicks, MD, MBA, FACR
John Kalabat, MD, FACR
Stephen Kilanowski, MD
Bakul Lather, MD
Duane Mezwa, MD, FACR
Samir Parikh, MD
David Pennes, MD, FACR
Walter Sahijdak, MD, FACR – Immediate Past President
Gaurang Shah, MD, FACR
Mark Schweitzer, MD, FACR
Andrew Woodrow, MD – President Elect
Ethics Committee
This committee shall consider charges of unethical conduct involving a member of the Chapter and shall transmit its recommendations to the Board of Trustees of the Chapter. It shall be composed of three members appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Trustees. Where possible, except for the chairman, members of the Board of Trustees shall not be appointed to the Ethics Committee.
Katharine Scharer, MD, FACR – Chair
Sabala Mandava, MD Co-chair
Anthony Alcantara, MD
Monte Harvill, MD
Dean Hountras, MD
Jan Mourelatos, MD, FACR
Robert Weinfeld, MD FACR
Sailaja Yadavalli, MD
Fellowship Committee
This committee shall annually review the membership of the Chapter for the purpose of nominating members to fellowship in the American College of Radiology. This committee should be composed of fellows of the College. Nominations shall be approved by the Board of Trustees Committee.
Alkis Zingas, MD, FACR – Chair
Denise Collins, MD, FACR
Paul Chuba, MD, PhD, FACR
Joseph Junewick, MD, FACR
Ralph Lieto, MD, FACR
Duane Mezwa, MD, FACR
Perry Pernicano, MD, FACR
Finance & Budget Committee
This Committee shall review the proposed annual budget of the MRS and make recommendations to the Treasurer and Board of Directors on matters of revenue enhancement or expense reduction. They will also recommend appropriate investments of MRS assets.
Randy Hicks, MD, MBA – Chair
Denise Collins, MD, FACR
N. Reed Dunnick, MD, FACR
Ralph Lieto, MD, FACR
Rojanandham Samudrala, MD, FACR
Ashok Srinivasan, MD
Robert Taila, MD
Mark Weiss, MD, FACR
Todd Williams, MD
Legislative Affairs Committee
This committee should anticipate and review legislation proposed that affects the practice of radiology in the state. Their findings shall be reported to the Chapter for action.
Joseph Junewick, MD, FACR – Chair – W MI
Leah Davis, DO – N MI – Co-Chair – Northern MI
Roger Gonda, Jr., MD, FACR – SE and W MI
Mark Weiss, MD, FACR – Chair (PAC)
James Cavanagh, JD (Advisor)
Jen Coleman – Northern MI
Stephen Kilanowski, MD – SE MI
Sabala Madava, MD – SE MI
Joseph Metes, MD – SE MI
Anicia Mirchandani, MD ( RFS Representative)
Andreea Moore, MD – W MI
Mario Orsini, MD – W MI
Michael Sandler, MD, FACR (Ex-officio)
Gaurang Shah, MD – AA
Michael Votruba, MD – GR
Harvey Yee, MD – Mid-MI
Membership Committee
This committee shall review applications, as necessary, for all classes of membership in the Chapter and shall report its recommendations to the Board of Trustees at any regular meeting. Recruitment activities shall be conducted by this committee. This committee will be composed of Secretaries of the Chapter and the sections as well as others as appointed by the President.
Harvey Yee, MD – Chair
Nedi Gari, MD
Hugh Kerr, MD
Michael Mahacek, MD
Michael Mazza, MD
Hussein Chahrour, MD – RFS Representative
Rocky Saenz, MD
Rojanandham Samudrala, MD, FACR
Andrew Woodrow, MD
Nominating Committee
This committee shall present to the Secretary no less than 45 days prior to the annual meeting nominations for all offices established in the bylaws and the designated number of members-at-large of the Board of Trustees. The nominations will be circulated to the membership no less than 20 days prior to the annual meeting. It shall, when possible, consist of the three Past Presidents and two Active Members who are not on the Board of Trustees. Membership cannot be more than three consecutive years.
Ralph Lieto, MS FACR – 2nd PP
Term ends 5/31/25
Mark Weiss, MD, FACR – 3rd PP
Term ends 5/31/26
Walter Sahijdak, MD, FACR, 1st PP
Dan Barkmeier, MD, PhD 
Mark DeLano, MD, FACR
Kavita Rajkotia, MD
Program Committee
This committee will prepare programs for Chapter meetings, socioeconomic workshops for residents, and efforts in continuing education. The President-elect or his designee will chair this committee.

Andrew Woodrow, MD, Chair
Gaurang Shah, MD, FACR, Co-chair
Kathleen Barry, MD, FACR
Michael Kasotakis, MD
Andrew Moriarity, MD
Perry Pernicano, MD, FACR
Radiation Oncology
This Committee is charged with bringing to the Board of Directors any issue of special interest to members of the MRS specializing in radiation oncology.
Walter Sahijdak – Chair
Paul Chuba, MD, FACR – Co-Chair
Michael Mahacek, MD
Farzan Siddiqui, MD
Salim Sidiqqui, MD
Maria T. Vlachaki, MD. PhD
Radiological Safety Committee
This committee will advise the MRS Board of Directors on matters pertaining to safety issues in medical imaging and radiation therapy procedures. In this role the committee may provide input to state regulatory agencies, act as a public liaison and develop safety educational opportunities related to safety in radiological medical sciences.
John Kalabat, MD – Chair
Gauravi Subharwal, MD – Co-Chair
Evan Boote, MS
Charlene Bremer, MS
Mark DeLano, MD, FACR
Joseph Gemmette, MD
Sam Kottamasu, MD
Joseph Metes, MD
Edsa Negussie, MD
Amit Pandya, MD
Aditya Karandikar, MD
Resident Affairs Committee
This committee shall encourage resident participation in the activities of the Chapter, address their educational needs, and help prepare them to enter the practice of radiology.
Brent Griffith, MD, Chair – Henry Ford Health
Kara Udagar, MD – U of M
John Finger, MD – Beaumont Dearborn
Matthew Chakko, MD – Ascension Garden City
George Pappas, MD – Trinity Health Oakland
Rocky Saenz, DO – Beaumont Corewell Farmington Hills
Ali Harb, MD – DMC/WSU
Andy Vartanian, MD – IR Beaumont Royal Oak
Andrew Woodrow, MD – Bronson/MSU
Rad Onc Programs
Steven Miller, MD – DMC/WSU
Mira Shah, MD – HFH
Reshman Jagsi, MD – U of M
Maha Saada Jawad, MD – Beaumont Royal Oak
Strategic Planning Committee
This committee shall prepare a three-year activity plan for the Chapter and annually update this plan to coordinate it with the goals and objectives of the Chapter and the College. Membership shall consist of the Chapter President, President-elect, Immediate Past President, the Resident Section President and at least two other Trustees.
Randy Hicks, MD, MBA – Chair
Mark Weiss, MD, FACR – Co-Chair
Michael Kasotakis, MD
Stephen Kilanowski, MD
Danny Ma, MD
Ralph Lieto, MS, FACR
Andrew Woodrow, MD
David Smith, MD
Perry Pernicano, MD, FACR
Young and Early Career Physicians
The goal of the Young and Early Career Physician Committee is to foster young and early career physicians with common concerns; to present young and early career physician issues to the MRS Board of Trustees and ACR; and to foster participation in the ACR. Young and early career physicians are those up to age 40 or within 8 years of completion of residency/fellowship training.
Michael Hicks, MD – Chair
Jeremy Feldman, MD
Dean Josifoski, MD
Bakul Lather, MD
Joshua Rubin, MD
Shannon Sage (Advisor)