I am extremely honored to be nominated as your next President of the Michigan Radiological Society for 2012-2013. I would like to thank you, the members of the MRS, for this opportunity.
Our society’s continued success is indebted to its past presidents, Board of Trustees, and its members who have served and continue to serve in a voluntary capacity. I would like to thank our Board of Trustees for their dedicated service and commitment to this organization and to our profession.
I would like to thank Dr. Mukherji for the great work he has done this past year. He is to be commended for the many accomplishments that he was able to achieve that have strengthened and advanced our society. He is to be credited for overseeing a smooth transition of our society’s administrative management when MSMS Physician Services could no longer provide this service.
I would like to recognize our new officers for this year. They are: President-elect: Dr. Paul Chuba, MD; Vice-president: Dr. Joe Junewick, MD, FACR; Secretary: Dr. Jay Mittner, DO, and Treasurer: Dr. Gaurang Shah, MD. This is a great team that is already hard at work in planning for the next year.
As for some of my goals this coming year, I would like to continue the effort to increase our society’s reach throughout the state both through continued improvements with our new website as well as increasing our visibility and membership participation by moving one of our CME meetings to the central region of the state. It is for this reason, our next business/CME meeting will be held in Lansing on October 4th in combination with a Capitol Hill visit with our state legislators. With the help of our lobbyist, Jim Cavanagh, this meeting will offer our members a unique experience to talk to their state legislators aboutissues affecting our profession and impacting the healthcare of citizens in the state of Michigan. At this meeting the Gold Medal Awards will be presented, followed by a CME lecture by Dr. Kirk Frey on the topic of “PET Imaging in Dementia”.
Dr. Gina Fundaro and her committee have finalized the Breast Imaging Conference that will take place at the Dearborn Inn on October 27th-28th. This bi-annual conference is well attended and offers an excellent course for those that practice breast imaging.
Our keynote speaker for the 75th Annual Preston M. Hickey Memorial Lecture will be Dr. Vijay Rao on the topic of “Hospital-Radiologist Relations”. This meeting, to be held on March 14th, will spark good discussion about the many challenges facing our profession and offer potential solutions.
Our MRS legislative mission continues, as we are actively involved with the state legislature. Our society and legislative affairs committee, chaired by Dr. Kurt Tech, and advised by Jim Cavanagh, monitor issues that directly affect radiology, radiation oncology, and physicians in Michigan.
In conclusion, I consider it a tremendous honor to become the next President of the Michigan Radiological Society. Thank you again for the opportunity and I look forward to another successful year ahead.