The “baton” has been passed to me from our past president, Gary Gustafson, MD. Gary did a superb job last year, with the distinction of being the first Radiation Oncologist to serve as the president of the Michigan Radiological Society.
Our officers this year are: President-elect, Rojan Samudrala, MD; Vice-president, Nancy Gregory, MD; Secretary, Paul Chuba, MD; and Treasurer, Biren Shah, MD. The officers, along with the board members are enthusiastic and are very active at both the state and national level. Many of the board members attended the national AMCLC conference in Washington, D.C. in May, taking the opportunity to speak directly with members of the Senate and House from Michigan regarding issues that relate directly to the practice of Radiology.
Our CME program this year has been successful to date. We had two excellent, well attended meetings thus far. Emergency Neuroradiology was the topic at the June meeting held at the Book Cadillac Hotel. Our October meeting lecture at the Inn at St. Johns was Musculoskeletal Radiology. The next meeting will be the annual Hickey Lecture to be held on March 4, 2010 at The Henry Ford. This should be an excellent presentation by Doctor Dan Sullivan as he discusses “Radiology’s Changing Role in the era of Personalized Medicine.” Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.
The MRS legislative mission continues as we are actively involved with the state legislature. Our society and legislative committee, chaired by Doctor Kurt Tech, and advised by Attorney Jim Cavanagh, monitor issues that directly affect Radiology and physicians in Michigan. The MRS and other medical societies were successful in the defeat of the proposed physician tax by our grass roots effort to inform our membership and to engage them in registering their opposition to the tax with their respective legislators. It is important to remember, a new budget cycle is just months away. We will remain vigilant as the notion of the physician tax will be revisited in the future. A second legislative issue the MRS is actively monitoring is the Michigan Chiropractic Association attempt to pass a bill expanding their scope of practice which, we believe, will increase utilization of imaging without improvement in the quality of care.
I would encourage all members to visit our website (www.michigan-rad.org) which is currently undergoing an update. Please visit the website for up to date information regarding upcoming CME events and MRS activities, including current legislative activities.
I look forward this year to greater MRS participation by Radiologists, Radiation Oncologists, Residents, and Medical Physicists. Greater participation in organized Medicine/Radiology is essential in our service to patients and society. Our mission to strive to improve access of high quality patient care through education and legislation must continue.
I would invite any member who would like to become more active in the Michigan Radiological Society to personally contact me. I look forward to working with all of you this year.
Kathleen A. Barry, MD
Michigan Radiological Society