Dear MRS Members,
This last month has been productive. The Michigan Radiology PAC has performed well and contributions have been made to numerous candidates. I believe the sacrifices made by many radiologists in Michigan are paying dividends. Our message has been strengthened. Dan Shumaker, MD continues project our voice as our legislative affairs expert. At the October MRS board meeting Senator Tom George, MD (R-Kalamazoo) called in and thanked the Michigan Radiology PAC for its contribution to his campaign and described the advantages of having a physician in the Senate. Senator George is an anesthesiologist and continues to practice medicine while serving in the State Senate.
We now look forward to our biannual Breast Conference at the Inn at St. John’s this October 28th. Based on current registrations and sponsorships it should be very successful. Next year the Resident’s Section Conference will be held in late January 2007. It has been gaining sponsorship exceeding last year’s pace by private practice groups. It is a win-win scenario with an opportunity provided for private practice groups in the state to meet a large number of residents at one time. Should you be in a group that has an interest in sponsoring the meeting please contact Ms. Sarah Cressman at MSMS headquarters in Lansing.
Finally, the MRS looks forward to the Flint meeting. This is part of the Society’s desire to be the MICHIGAN Radiological Society reinvigorating connections with the entire state. You may not be aware, but on the books we have four sections of the MRS. There is a: West Michigan Section, Saginaw Valley Section, Upper Peninsula Section, and Northwest Michigan Section. Currently, only the Saginaw Valley Section is active. It would be a great thing to return some or all of the remaining sections to active status. I believe it would a great value to all radiologists in the state. It would enhance our practices and strengthening the bond that unites us for the benefit of our patients.
Kurt E Tech, MD – MRS President