Why Pediatric Radiology is a Great Career Choice
- Pediatric radiologists and specialists are known for being easy to work with and great with children. You’ll quickly become a respected member of the team, and a hero to parents.
- Helping kids get better is incredibly rewarding, and the impact of your work can last a lifetime. Plus, you’ll get to work in a colorful, upbeat environment.
- Whether you’re interested in generalizing or specializing in pediatric neuroradiology, interventional, cardiac, musculoskeletal, or nuclear medicine, there’s something for everyone in this field.
- Join the Society for Pediatric Radiology for access to a strong community, exciting locations for meetings (like Miami, Montreal, Tucson, and Paris), and opportunities for CME/SAM credits, networking, and fun. You can also participate in jSPR, a sub-organization offering mentoring, lectures, and social events exclusively for pediatric radiology fellows and junior attendings.
- With a fellowship in pediatric radiology, you’ll have the flexibility to choose between academics or private practice. And with a tremendous number of pediatric radiology jobs available, you’ll have your pick of practice type and location.
- Best of all, you’ll never be bored – pediatric radiology is a specialized field that allows you to maintain your skills in multiple cutting-edge modalities, including US, CT, MR, and Nuclear Medicine.
Cranial Ultrasound Anatomy
Pediatric Bowel Obstruction
Pediatric Chest Radiography
Pediatric Abdominal Emergencies
Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease
Cleveland Clinic Curriculum
The Society for Pediatric Radiology