The President of the Michigan Radiological Society serves as the Chair of the Resident & Fellow Section Board of Trustees and presides over all Board and section meetings. The President serves a one-year term of office.
Duties include the following:
- Organizes meetings and agenda for the term
- Runs MRS RFS Executive Board Meetings
- Coordination/planning of MRS RFS annual conference
- Promotes relevant events throughout institutions
- Promotes and encourages attendance at the annual MRS Legislative Day in September and the ACR annual meeting in the Spring
- Reports to the MRS Resident Affairs Committee
- Attends all MRS Board of Trustee meetings
- Attends all MRS education events
- Attends ACR Annual meeting
- Attends annual MRS Legislative Day
- Member of any committee that needs resident representation
The President-Elect of the RFS presides at Board meetings in the absence of the President and assumes the office of President if the President is unwilling or unable to serve or if the Board determines that he/she is unable to serve. The President-Elect is automatically the successor to the office of President after a one-year term as President-Elect.
Duties include the following:
- Works with the MRS Executive Director on the yearly ACR chapter recognition program to complete the resident section form
- Attends all MRS Board of Trustee meetings (if available)
- Attends ACR annual meeting
- Attends annual MRS Legislative Day
- Supports RFS President on all initiatives
- Member of MRS Legislative Affairs Committee
The Secretary of the Michigan Radiological Society oversees the records of the section, including meeting minutes. The Secretary shall serve a one-year term.
Duties include the following:
- Provides updates for MRS bi-monthly newsletter
- Attends all MRS RFS Executive Board Meetings
- Attends the AMCLC meeting yearly
- Attends annual MRS Legislative Day
- Prepares Thank You notes for speakers and sponsors of the MRS RFS annual meeting
- Member of MRS Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee
The Treasurer of the RFS oversees the finances of the Section. The Treasurer shall serve a one-year term.
Duties include the following:
- Oversee budget for conference and ACR annual meeting and reports to MRS Board of Trustees
- Attends all MRS RFS Executive Board Meetings
- Attends the AMCLC meeting yearly
- Attends annual MRS Legislative Day
- Member of the MRS Budget & Finance Committee
Fundraising Chair
The Fundraising Chair oversees the fundraising activities for the RFS annual conference. The Fundraising Chair serves a one-year term.
Duties include the following:
- Contacts conference sponsors
- Attends all MRS RFS Executive Board Meetings
- Works with RFS Treasurer
- Attends the AMCLC meeting yearly
- Attends annual MRS Legislative Day
- Member of the MRS Economics Committee
The RFS Webmaster works with the MRS Executive Director on any RFS updates for the MRS website. The Webmaster serves a one-year term.
Duties include the following:
- Provides website updates
- Suggests changes and improvements for RFS section of the MRS website
- Attends all MRS RFS Executive Board Meetings
- Attends the AMCLC meeting yearly
- Attends annual MRS Legislative Day
- Member of MRS Communications Committee (formerly the MRS Website Committee)
Resident & Fellow Section Liaison
The Resident & Fellow Section Liaison works with program Coordinators to promote the RFS and any events. The Resident & Fellow Section Liaison serves a one-year term.
Duties include the following:
- Update program director and coordinator list
- Responsible for promoting the RFS and events
- Attends all MRS RFS Executive Board Meetings
- Attends the AMCLC meeting yearly
- Attends annual MRS Legislative Day
- Member of MRS Membership Committee
Prior to the yearly Michigan Radiological Society Resident and Fellows Conference, candidates will be asked to complete an application which will be anonymized. Each application will receive a numerical score (1-10) ranked by select members of the resident affairs committee. The average score will be utilized to rank candidates. The highest-ranking applicant will have the “first-choice” in position. The second-highest ranking applicant will have the “second-choice” in position, and so forth. If an applicant’s first-choice position has already been filled, they will fill their next choice position until no other positions are available. If there is a tie in applicant score, the chair of the resident affairs committee will make the tie-breaking decision. All winners will be announced at the yearly Michigan Radiological Society Resident and Fellows Conference.
- Please rank ALL positions you would be interested in filling.
- Why are you interested in joining the Michigan Radiological Society Executive Board?
- What qualifications do you have for the positions you are applying?
- What ideas do you have for MRS RFS this year?