Dear MRS Members,
As the 2006-2007 year progresses the MRS board continues its work. The Biannual Breast Imaging Conference was a big success. Ann Swinford, MD deserves our gratitude for the huge effort that she and her committee put into the conference. A fellow MRS member from Battle Creek commented to me just after the conference, “It was the best conference to date!”
I traveled to Grand Rapids this month for a meeting with several groups regarding difficulties with Prior Health. Dr. Farr, President of the MSMS, chaired the meeting. Many concerns were exchanged. One thing is clear. The problems facing radiologists and radiology groups on the west side of the state are the same as those on east side of the state. I would wager they are also the same in the northern section and Upper Peninsula. The meeting also demonstrated the synergy that can occur with MSMS at our side. Yes, there are areas where we disagree, but we have far more concerns in common with MSMS than those that separate us.
On other matters, you may have noticed the Southeastern Michigan Neuroradiology Club link is now on our website. The MRS is sponsoring the club as both an educational opportunity and an outreach to non-members. The club had it largest attendance in recent history for the November meeting. 2 hours of category 1 CME is now provided through the MRS. SAM credit is currently being worked on.
Finally, I wish you a joyous Thanksgiving. May grace be upon you and your family.
Kurt E Tech, MD – MRS President